And, the ease, flow, and consistency that comes hair that is truly healthy are just a few of the dozens of added benefits that come with years of treating your hair well.

But here's the secret no one talks about: true hair health doesn't come from a long list of rules, or strict guidelines about what products and actions you can and cannot use.

It's not about finding the perfect routine that always works no matter what, either. Your hair is much more dynamic that that and frankly, so are you.

If you really want to start focusing on your long term results and setting your future self of for the hair she has always dreamed of, then girl - you better seek to understand.

To learn what your hair needs based on helping your hair thrive, not covering up what's there or forcing it to be something it's not.

It comes from understanding. It comes from truly getting to know your hair and what it needs to thrive.


  • Needs to get their mind right when it comes to their hair

  • Is ready to set the foundation for long term hair health

  • Feels frustrated by hair that seems to be fighting them

  • Wants to understand what their hair needs to thrive

  • Is stuck in a slump and wants the discover their next breakthrough

  • is curious about the science of hair and also hair care products

  • Desires more consistency in their results

  • Is trying to grow their hair thicker or longer

The 30-Days to the Hair of Your Dreams is designed to give you understanding!

Inside of this container your will learn about embracing total hair and scalp health, by setting the foundations for what you can do, outside of product use, to give your hair what it needs to thrive. Then, we'll explore the science of not just hair, but also hair care products, so that we can start using them to achieve maximum results.

THIS is where you will learn that expensive hair care products aren't actually more expensive.

Once you learn what your hair is really asking for, (spoiler alert: it's not another conditioner. Or another treatment mask!) you will find that your products last so long, you are actually spending less.

This challenge is not about getting quick results, though as you will see below, hundreds of women get them each and every time I run it. This challenge is about you understanding the why and the how.

It’s about setting foundations you can build on for years to come.

Register now for $55!

Register now for $55!

Upon registering you will receive exclusive access to the live challenge for 28 days and have the ability to catch up or come back to this content any time, for life!

The Four Essential Steps to the 30-Day Challenge:

1) Invest in Yourself

When you hop into the 30-Day Hair of Your Dreams Challenge, you are committing to embracing total hair health and committing to long term results. You'll get tons of guidance, five full weeks of community, and drastically improve your understanding of what you hair needs by the end of the month!

2) Choose your products.
While there are no formal product restrictions for this challenge, it is focused on understanding what your hair needs, and delivering on those needs with a combination of mental and practical strategies.

Namely being your consciousness, and also an epic understanding of the products you are using.

If you are using products that are designed to bond with the hair and never come out, you results will suffer. Many participants use this unique opportunity to invest in better products and learn how to optimize their performance over the course of this five week program

Don't worry, I'll help you find the right products for you after you register!

3) Step into a new mindset
By registering for this challenge you are agreeing to forget every single thing you thought you know about your hair and what it needs from you, and instead committing to completely embracing total hair health from perspectives you've never considered! Get ready to have your mind blown!!

4) Deepen Your Understanding
Tracking your progress is the key to success in this challenge. Run allllll the experiments, don't worry, I'll be right there guiding you. All you have to do is promise to play with your secret super power (i.e. your hands), take all the photos, and share them inside of our Curly Connections Community.

Cassidy Jensen

This month's challenge was awesome. The amount of information and time Logan gives us is literally insane. It's worth so much.

My big takeaways this month are:

#1 I CAN do my whole process upside down without spending loads more time on the style 🤯. (Prior to this month on a normal day I would always flip up after conditioning)

It's not impossible, and I do not have to spend an hour shingling to have a decent flip up when dry. It doesn't have to be hard and frustrating to have a good hair day. I can get my hair lifted off of my scalp while upside down just using my fingers.

#2 I also learned that I need to stop touching my crown area/top layer. It needs extra love and hydration not extra washes 🤣

There's always more to learn and I'm happy that after this challenge I'll still be able to learn with all of you. This group is the best. 🥰

Jenny Hartfelder

The 30 Days to The Hair Of Your Dreams Challenge has given me a 🗺️ road map for this curly adventure.

Over the past thirty days I have learned how to care for my curls in a way that feels completely legitimate and honest. I just wanted to give a couple words of encouragement for those of you who are starting your journey ...

#1 - Take pictures. The changes can be slow, but it's nice to be able to look back and see how far you've come...

#2 - Taking these challenges. There is NO better way to find your next win than to plug in and pay attention for a full month!

#3 - WATER. WATER. WATER. Through this process I was finally able to start getting my hair to accept hydration about November ... And my pictures make that super clear. Don't get me wrong ... I was enjoying my curls even when they were in the dry side ... But they're a lot more fun hydrated.

I've been thankful to learn how to better care for not only my hair, but my girls' as well. ♥

Logan offers a TON of resources in the the challenge, but it was the the upgraded experience that took things next level!

12 weeks working directly with Lo has been a.m.a.z.i.n.g.

I've had SO many light bulb moments about how to get consistent results with my hair. 😁

After a lifetime of thinking my hair was straight, going curly has definitely not been without its bumps.

I'm not going to lie, it's been really difficult. But since finding Logan and this challenge and her private mastermind, that all changed.

I'm pretty excited to be seeing those "meh" hair days becoming fewer and fewer, and my good hair day become more of an expectation than a gift. ♥😁

If you have the chance to take a masterclass with Lo, DO IT!
You won't regret it!

Sarah Holmboe

I can’t believe it’s the end of March!! I am incredibly thankful for this group, Logan for her amazing work and support! ❤️

When I started this challenge I knew it would be a crazy month since I’m also navigating new motherhood and don’t have much time to dedicate to myself or my hair.

As a result I don’t have many photos of good/bad days since I often either forgot to take a photo or just didn’t have time to do anything with my hair… but I’ll still post some reflections and the photos I do have!

Biggest “a-ha” moments for me:

1) water is key!!! I am shocked at how little I wet my hair before this challenge. Now I spend so much more time working in water and focusing on hydration. I think I still need to focus on adding water during styling too - and figuring out how to best dry my hair to keep that moisture locked in.

2) process over product. I’m still getting used to this idea because I just want a miracle product that will magically give me the curls I want… but at the same time it’s freeing knowing that no matter what I use, if my hair is healthy and hydrated I can achieve results!

3) giving myself grace with the process and not comparing my curls to anyone else’s OR to my curls and how they used to look. My hair has been constantly evolving over the years and I’ve had better success certain times than others, so it’s all about being patient and not giving up when I have an off day

I think I’ll do my own challenge next month as I continue to try styling and drying strategies. I’ll be heading back to work too, so I’ll be back in a more normal routine with my hair (hopefully! Haha)

Thanks everyone! 🙌🏻❤️✨

When does the challenge start?
This challenge has been pre-recorded, so you can hop in at any time!

What kind of daily time commitment does this program require, between the content shared combined with the homework assignments?

You can expect a daily post that will take 10-15 minutes of your time. Usually the post will include a details video, but sometimes it will contain other media such as progress photos, side-by-side analyses, or other visuals designed to dive deeper into a concept that is commonly misunderstood.

The women who have the most success spend one conscious hour, or two conscious half hours, experimenting with new strategies, tracking their process, and sharing their results.

That adds up to about two hours per week.

I am super busy right now, but want to sign up. What should I do?

If you are feeling called to this challenge, I suggest you hop in. I don't expect to run it again this year, and you will have LIFETIME ACCESS to all of the content forever. You can come back and catch up at any time.

Is the challenge content live?

While the content is delivered day-by-day in our exclusive Facebook group, all of the posts and videos for this 33 day challenge have been prewritten and recorded. Every year I go through the content and you better believe I make it better and better every single time. This year, over90% of content has been reformulated with higher video quality, close up shots, progression photos, and ridiculously detailed captions.

This is the most organized I have better been, and it will show. Every single thing you need to know about each topic we discuss will be included in the post.

Would this be good for beginners then? I feel like I jumped into products with only kind of knowing some technique.
The challenge is PERFECT for beginners. Especially if you are ready to focus on total hair health.

How do you factor in hair porosity?

Healthy hair has no type. At the end of the day, hair is hair, and the strategies we discuss inside of this immersive experience work on every single hair type under the sun, including straight hair.

This is a challenge about healthy hair, not curly hair (though healthy hair curls easier!).

What is the Refund Policy?

I have offered a no questions asked refund policy every single year I have run this challenge. Hundreds of women from all over the world have been part of this experience over the years.

I have never once been taken up on that offer.

Here is the thing. Embracing total hair health takes time. But, if you give this challenge an honest try for thirty days by plugging in and documenting your journey in the Curly Connections, and still feel you deserve a refund, please reach out to me at [email protected].

Suzanne Grausen

Logan Spring you are an amazing teacher.

Every time I watch a video with you, I learn something new, or you make me think about why I do things the way I do it.

Flip that perspective, 😘😘😘 love it , love it, love it!

I have been doing your programs for some time now, 21 months to be exact! I have a routine I love, but I still want to 🙏 learn more.

Thank you so much Logan for everything to share with us, 😘 you do an amazing job!

Nicola Turner

I have loved taking part in the 30 days to the hair of your dreams challenge, even more so than the detox and the process over products challenges from last year 😱(if that's possible!!).

It made everything click with me and I no longer dread washdays or refreshes. I'll be sorry when this week is up and I'll be keeping an eye out for the next one🥰.

My experience of the 30 days challenge has been that its made my hair so much easier to manage, washdays are not only faster and easier but they're getting better and better each time.

I've experimented with so many different techniques, product applications, hand feels and refreshes and I've started to realise what my hair likes.

Jennifer Chadwick

I am so thankful for Logan Spring and her heart to share and educate. I have learned so much about my hair from you. Thank you 💜.

Once upon a time I had straight straight straight hair. Then 6 pregnancies and hormones my hair became frizzy, wavy, and then curly.

It’s been a journey.

Something about Logan and her focus on UNDERSTANDING what it means to have truly healthy hair, and not to continuously hide whatever you don't like about your hair, really stuck with me.

I’m also finding that hydrated hair is easier to keep hydrated, and the results are undeniable.

Roseann Shirley

I need to let you know just how much this 30 day challenge has helped me!

My "good" hair days used to happen by accident. Fast forward to the present, and I am blown away by the difference in my hair! Not only that, but now I know how to make it look that way!!! My husband actually asked me if I have been curling my hair, that's how much different it looks.

I have learned how to get water into my hair by raking and pulsing. Tilting my head in the shower makes my knots fall right out too! Forming curl clumps while adding conditioner smooths put my frizz. Mousse throughout works for a sealer. Adding gel on top last with prayer hands and one pulse keeps frizz at bay. Clipping my roots adds volume. And medusa clipping at night preserves my hair for the next day.

Thank you, Logan, and thank you to this entire group for sharing all of your tips and even your fails! After 50 years, I am finally enjoying my curly hair!

Cara Denver

First of all Logan is awesome and I am so impressed by her generosity and time she’s willing to take with every single person in the challenge. Thank you!!

Secondly something she said struck me in my last post about curls being finally free. I thought today…. But my curls aren’t free.

I’ve been loading them with product to try to manipulate them. And I also thought back to a comment I made on another post about some of my favorite hair days being wind whipped air dried hair fresh out of the pool.

So today I ran an experiment with naked curls!

Lastly, really appreciated Logan’s last video in the challenge. I’m way behind in the challenge…. I watch when I can.🤷🏻‍♀️

Life has a way of preventing me from focusing on my hair 😆

Anyway I really tried to work with feel in the shower today and have been trying to obsess less about product and amount of conditioner and more on what my hair feels like and working water in.

It is such a paradigm shift from simply doing curly girl method (where I was all about products and how my hair felt with products in my hair) that I’m literally re-learning my hair it feels like.


I enjoy the concept and the challenge of all of it!!